E-learning A to Z:
Digital Content for Hard to Reach Young People

A project in the field of youth co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Youth Workers from 7 European countries learned how to created digital content for young people
If you’ve lived under the rock for the past couple of years, here’s the news: young people now mostly hang out online.
So if you need to reach out to them, you better learn how to do it on their territory, and so that they want to listen to you.
With this goal in mind, 23 youth workers and young leaders gathered in 2021 October in Szeged, Hungary: how to create engaging digital content for young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, and involve them in non-formal learning and civic processes.
The course was organized by Association Innovaform and attended by partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Romania and Lithuania.
“With the growing popularity in e-learning, the ‘e’ should mean more than electronic. It should be effective, efficient, and engaging”, says Ms Judit Kriska-Jambor, President of Innovaform.
During the 8 days of the training course, the team learned how to build e-learning materials for young people, how to reach out to youngsters at risk of falling out of civic processes, and why we should care. The participants also practiced storytelling techniques, making audio and video content and engaging with the audience via social media platforms. As a practical part of the course, the team built mini-online courses of their own using LearnPress, the Wordpress Learning Management System.
Upon the return home, the participants shared the best practices from the training course with their colleagues, local partners and peers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Nº.: 2020-3-HU01-KA105-093713