The aim of this project was to raise the capacity of 8 youth organisations from Europe and Africa to contribute to a cohesive sustainable society through alternative innovative methodology, such as street campaigning.
The training approach was designed as the following:
1) An initial training course for developing basic competencies in global citizenship and street campaigning for the future multipliers (it took place in Lome, Togo, in April 2017);
2) A practice phase in each of the partner countries (Ghana, Hungary, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Tanzania and Togo), where the multipliers, as trained street campaigners in global issues, prepared and implemented campaigns for more than 2400 young people in their communities between May and December 2017. The topics tackled in their campaigns were: pollution, waste, responsible consumption, sustainable life style, etc.
3) The practice phase was followed by a second training course (which took place in Busteni, Romania, in November – December 2017), for assessing the first practice phase results and for developing advanced competencies in the street campaigning and global citizenship. The main aim of the training was to complete the set of competencies of the youth workers to become independent street campaigners.
4) A second practice phase took place in the partner countries, where the multipliers transferred their competencies in a new round of street campaigns for more than 3200 young people in their communities.
5) A final evaluation meeting was organized in Portugal, Madeira, in May 2018, in order to evaluate and assess the impact of the whole project and plan how the network will continue to work in a coordinated manner from now on.
6) Each partner disseminated the project results (including this manual) in their communities, to interested people and other organisations, in order to increase the interest of the civil society towards global citizenship and its crucial role in the context of the global agenda and towards street campaigning in general.