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It is hard to keep up with the XXI. century rapid dynamic economic, intellectual and cultural changes and globalization process. Simultaneously the information need of our society shows a growing tendency that is hard to follow through the classical education. Europe’s human and social capital should be used efficiently to overcome the socio-economic crisis in Europe. The level of unemployment is rising due to the low skills, premature school leaving, inactive participation of youth in society, lack of cooperation among authorities and stakeholders. With good dedicated educative programmes we can all add value to Europe’s social and human capital through the projects for education, training, youth and sport.


Innovaform is committed and contributes great deal through its consultancy activity and through its trainings and courses to the development of the human resource knowledge value. We recognise the problem of the high number of low skilled adults and also the early school leaving deficiency so we offer them solutions to find their own values, to develop their knowledge and skills to be dedicated to lifelong learning for a better employability


ERASMUS+ Projects

Innovaform Nonprofit Ltd.


Programe office:

7623 Pécs

Executive office:

6723 Szeged, Lomnici u. 21.




Tel.: +36 70 3192262

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Innovaform Nonprofit Ltd.

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